In my 20+ years as a narrative designer, I’ve worked on quite a few projects - and some have actually been released! Since I have mostly worked on RPGs, which take about 3-5+ years to make, some of these games have consumed a sizeable chunk of my professional career. However, I feel pretty lucky to have had to come up with solutions for almost every type of narrative element imaginable in games over the course of my career. Below is a list of games I’ve worked on and a breakdown of the tasks I was responsible for including some of my favorite characters, tools and editors I’ve created, responsibilities, and other odds and ends.

All images, logos, trademarks, licenses, intellectual properties, games and copyrighted content is owned by the original license holders. These images are merely being used to illustrate my work on these properties and in no way implies my ownership over them, with the exception of any products published by DoubleBear Productions.